self taught digital artist

hello I’m poms, i like to draw cute women and use fun colors :3

commissions: open!

read my tos first before ordering a commission!


bust: $30
half body: $35
full body: $40
+characters: +50% of initial price

flat colors:
bust: $40
half body: $45
full body: $50
+characters: +50% of initial price

bust: $50
half body: $60
full body: $70
+characters: +50% of initial price

price: $40
+characters: +50% of initial price

character sheets:
1 full body: $50
2 full bodies: $60
+ busts: $30

price: $20 per emote

terms of service

what i can draw
real people, furries/anthros, oc's, fanart, suggestive themes, kemonomimi, simple bgs
what i won't draw
nsfw, machinery, gore/body horror, complex bgs, anything nft, crypto or ai related


i reserve the right to reject any commission for whatever reason.the art i create cannot be used in any ai.provide clear written or visual references for the commission.without a deadline provided i could take up to 1-4 weeks to finish your style may vary.


i take payment through paypal or kofi and will be paid in USD. i will send my paypal email for you to send the payment to.additional charges will be issued for rushed orders, revisions, changes past the sketch, and usage for merchandising.i will not accept any payment method other than paypal or payment in "exposure."


refunds are not permitted until the 4-week mark after the commission has been paid for and no sketch has been provided.once a sketch has been provided to the commissioner, they no longer hold the right to demand a refund/chargeback.should the commissioner file a chargeback, i, the artist, reserve the right to resell the work done for them.


the commissioner may use the art for any personal use, with credit linking directly to my page.even after the transaction has been made, i, eddie (mistlycrook), hold the rights to my work.the commissioner may not use my work for merchandise, unless it has been discussed between us.the commissioner may not alter my work in any way, aside from cropping, without permission from me.

adoptables terms of service


the art i create cannot be used in any ai, nft or crypto related circumstances.i, gachapoms, retain all rights to my artwork. this means that the character is yours but the original design and artwork credits still go to me.once bought, the buyer will receive a 2000xp size png file without any watermarks.i reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.


i take payment through ko-fi and will be paid in USD.i will not accept any payment method other than ko-fi or payment in "exposure."i will hold any adopts for only 24 hours, if a payment is not made within that time frame the adopt will be made open for others to buy.


once the payment has gone through, the buyer can no longer hold the right to demand a refund/chargeback.should the buyer file a chargeback, i, the artist, reserve the right to resell the adopt.


the buyer may use the artwork for any personal use, with credit linking directly to my page.the commissioner may not use my work for merchandise, unless it has been discussed between us.the buyer may alter the design however they like after purchasing.after purchasing, gifting and trading is allowed. reselling is allowed as long as it is not resold more than the original price.

ordering a commission

if you've read my tos and know what you want to commission, direct message me on my social medias or request on vgen/ko-fi with the following:

commission type
any references
any important or specific details

you can see my progress on your comm here: trello

thank you for your interest!